Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blog #12

         After i read an article by Randall S.Hansen i realized his thought are really helpful and i am agree with it as well. People have different skills and different careers. but the thing is you have to be ready for it and at some point you have to start. you need to pay attention and have no fears. We all know it is hard but having a great education and paying attention is the key to success. we need to know that might even change our major as well. your major is very important and basically it relates to out future career most the time, and it really matters alot for the student. Also you need to know that if you are really interested in what you are doing and what you really like. you need to know yourself and see if you can handle all the situation and also know what you are weak in, that way you can stay away from the. it is really easy for most people to know what they really like to do in their everyday lives. for someone like me who loves cars and speed, i realized i can become a highway patrol or a lawyer because i like law. also you need to see if you are working with people or not, and in most careers we actually connect with want to see where is the place for you to study that particular major. some prefer to move out from their parents and study around some other place. for example my cousin moved out 50 miles away and now lives with his friends. you need to know if you are still interested in whatever you like in your major. pay attention to the values.

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